As a Holistic Practitioner, Tina Suriano focuses on both spiritual and physical health regarding individualized awareness health journeys.
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As an advocate for healthy and holistic living I specialize in the following services.
Holistic Practitioner
Jin Shin Practitioner
Clinical Herbalist
Red Tent Facilitator
Priestess of Avalon
My Story:
1994 was the year I first experienced the energetic impact of a Reiki treatment. Prior to that and throughout my adult beginnings, my first thoughts were to maintain optimal health through dietary choices and supplementation. For me, at every opportunity given, the Allopathic Medical Field failed me. From the moment I was pulled from my mother’s womb with forceps to the moment they misdiagnosed a torn tendon for a sprained ankle including many other incidences not excluding the OBGYN (pronouns he/him) telling me that the Loestrin birth control couldn’t have any negative effects on my body and that PMS was a myth.
In 2001, I began an apprenticeship with a Montana local herbalist, that lasted 2 years. I owned a health food store in Belgrade, Montana, in 2003. In the same year, my daughter Makayla was born in an amazing home birth. When she was nine months, we both contracted the toxoplasmosis parasite. It started with 2 seizures that were alarming. Her immune system was not fully developed and therefore she could not handle this infection. During this time, it was extremely difficult to maneuver the medical and holistic health systems to get her the help she needed. Pinpointing this medical issue was 100% on my shoulders. Gathering information and discerning this information from anecdotal from science supported was a long process. Western Medicine doctors refused to perform tests that were related to nutrients, digestion, and they failed to provide a process that would aim to eliminate specific conditions. I dropped out of Washington State University during the first semester of my final year and dedicated all my time to figuring out what was going on with my daughter.
It took 9 months to realize it was highly likely she had contracted toxoplasmosis. I was able to zero in on that bacteria and found the appropriate way to test for this. It was naïve to think that any of the doctors we employed invested any additional time to researching her condition. The Western Doctors would not even entertain the idea of a parasite infection, let alone order the testing to either confirm or deny that possibility. My absolute wish was to have access to solid information, especially beneficial Holistic Treatments. During this time, we purchased an Energizer machine from Japan, saw Biofeedback Practitioners, Naturopathic Doctors, Acupuncturist/TCM Doctors, Classical Homeopathic Practitioners, and sought Chiropractic Care. I learned to order my own blood tests and evaluate the data.
As my daughter’s primary source of caregiving, I delved deeper into Holistic Science education. I took many modality and specialization certification online that revolved around the microbiota, energy medicine, and a variety holistic modalities including Chinese Medicine. I also received an Associate of Science degree in Holistic Health to add to my past College career focus in Sciences and Accounting.
There is not a one size fits all in any form of healing. Our beliefs systems are as individualized and diverse as our metabolic system’s response to our environment. Through my personal experiences, the number one aspect of healing is knowing thyself. This involves awareness within and without. We are adaptable and capable beings. Knowing and believing that our systems have been built for success makes us the best conductors of our health journey. A Life Style is a life that is always working in tandem with body and soul towards ease.
Dant Y Llew Wellness was created to be of service along your Journey of Self-Wellness Awareness.